Marine Dynamics Academy:
Use this page if you're trying to find something specific, very quickly!
All News and Blog updates [13], Academy [22], Press releases [3], Guest Articles [3], Marine Volunteers [6], Marine-Coastal Guiding [1], Scientific Internship [24], Intern Diaries [34], Student Researcher [3]
All News and Blog updates [13] ↑
- 2025-01-21 Freeze! New paper exploring benthic shark freezing behaviour
- 2023-08-29 Volunteering vs Interning
- 2023-08-29 Linking Fields: A Day at Stellenbosch University
- 2023-07-24 Searching for Answers: Trying to Spot Orcas
- 2023-07-11 Chasing Giants: cetacean data collection on board Dream Catcher
- 2023-07-11 My work with Marine Dynamics
- 2023-02-09 Stop, Drop, and Roll: Rolling Over Acoustic Telemetry Receivers
- 2023-02-09 The Day I caught a Catfish and a tagged dark shyshark
- 2023-01-17 Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurements
- 2022-10-21 Falling in Love with Photography
- 2022-07-29 Enter, Donate, Action! You can help us save our sharks.
- 2020-11-11 Online education on Marine Conservation With Global Leadership Adventures
- 2020-01-10 An insight in life as a volunteer
Academy [22] ↑
- 2025-01-21 Freeze! New paper exploring benthic shark freezing behaviour
- 2024-09-20 Dive into the seabirds of the Dyer Island ecosystem
- 2024-07-11 Data Collection on Slashfin: Shark Diversity & Conservation
- 2024-04-28 In-Situ vs Ex-Situ Conservation
- 2024-04-05 Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) deployments and analysis
- 2023-08-30 Catshark Tagging in De Kelders
- 2023-07-11 Chasing Giants: cetacean data collection on board Dream Catcher
- 2023-01-17 Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurements
- 2022-11-30 Learning from the Twins - Dolphin Necropsies on Two Striped Dolphins
- 2021-04-15 Marine Dynamics partner with Youth 4 Conservation for a marine conservation experience
- 2021-04-03 Volunteering sister duo shares their experience at the Marine Dynamics Academy
- 2020-11-11 Online education on Marine Conservation With Global Leadership Adventures
- 2020-07-31 Coastal and Marine Guide course graduates
- 2020-02-18 The CWAC Count
- 2020-02-04 Volunteers attend dolphin stranding
- 2019-07-12 Out to sea for some Sharks & Stingrays!
- 2019-05-17 On the lookout for the Marine Big 5
- 2018-11-16 UK University Tour Update.
- 2018-10-29 Sharing our Scientific Internship with UK Universities
- 2018-10-18 Presentation at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
- 2018-10-15 University of Salford presentation
- 2018-10-09 We're on Youtube!
Press releases [3] ↑
Guest Articles [3] ↑
- 2018-11-06 Are African Penguins Heading Towards Extinction?
- 2018-11-05 Looking into the Underwater World - How Colour is Perceived Beneath the Waves
- 2018-10-16 Crash Course on Corals!
Marine Volunteers [6] ↑
- 2021-09-09 Nane AKA Charlie hits the road for marine pollution
- 2021-07-21 Marine Volunteer and Marine Guide Trainee in Gansbaai, South Africa
- 2021-04-15 Marine Dynamics partner with Youth 4 Conservation for a marine conservation experience
- 2021-04-03 Volunteering sister duo shares their experience at the Marine Dynamics Academy
- 2020-02-04 Volunteers attend dolphin stranding
- 2019-05-17 On the lookout for the Marine Big 5
Marine-Coastal Guiding [1] ↑
Scientific Internship [24] ↑
- 2025-01-21 Freeze! New paper exploring benthic shark freezing behaviour
- 2022-10-21 Familiar faces: Identifying the presence of returning catsharks through photo ID
- 2022-10-21 Falling in Love with Photography
- 2022-08-08 Fishing for Catshark - A First Experience
- 2022-05-31 The Amazing Bird Diversity at the Uilenkraals Estuary
- 2022-02-09 The Day of Shark Dissection
- 2021-11-22 ‘This is my Design’: Understanding the Anatomical and Physiological Design of Elasmobranchs Through Dissections, in Partnership with the DFFE
- 2021-11-04 BRUV deployment around Dyer Island
- 2021-08-13 The Scientific Value of Necropsies
- 2021-07-08 Two sides of African penguin conservation: Release and Loss [Translation in French]
- 2021-06-09 Acoustic Tagging 4.5m Great White Shark!
- 2021-06-08 The tagging of an approximate 5m Great White female named Eve
- 2021-05-26 Interns visit the Tuberculosis Research Group at Stellenbosch University
- 2019-08-20 Daniel's BRUV Study yields some interesting results about the small sharks in Gansbaai!
- 2019-07-01 First Time at APSS with the Penguins
- 2019-05-28 BRUV Trip on Lwazi
- 2019-05-27 Photography Practical with the Humpbacks!
- 2019-05-26 Shark Trips With Interns
- 2018-12-05 UK University Tour Coming to a Close
- 2018-11-16 UK University Tour Update.
- 2018-10-29 Sharing our Scientific Internship with UK Universities
- 2018-10-15 University of Salford presentation
- 2018-08-21 Creating a digital Dolphin from reality - An introduction to 3D photogrammetry
- 2018-08-02 ORI Tagging Update - Benthic sharks tagged in July 2018
Intern Diaries [34] ↑
- 2021-02-24 Lesser Guitarfish Tagging at Uilenkraals Estuary
- 2021-02-15 Birding at the estuary
- 2019-11-15 Day excursion to Stellenbosch University
- 2019-03-28 Shark Trip on-board Slashfin!
- 2019-03-15 YSI & Estuary Workshop
- 2019-02-05 Our Interns go Digital with Cybertracker
- 2019-01-27 Cape Town Debate Club & Aquarium
- 2019-01-23 Shark Tagging Expedition
- 2019-01-17 Photography at Sea
- 2019-01-16 Weekends at the Academy means Assistant Biologist Time!
- 2019-01-15 An Introduction to Scientific Guiding
- 2018-11-26 Interns aboard Slashfin & Dreamcatcher
- 2018-11-20 Interested in Shark Tracking? Tag along!
- 2018-11-19 Climate Change - The Debate
- 2018-10-23 BRUVdate! This months BRUV research, Intern Diary, Entry Eighteen
- 2018-10-13 An Introduction to Sharks Big and Small! Intern Diary, Entry Seventeen
- 2018-08-27 BRUV Research Trips. Intern Diary, Entry Sixteen
- 2018-08-19 A Weekend With The Whales! Intern Diary, Entry Fifteen
- 2018-07-22 Lessons in photography, data analysis and boat time! Intern Diary, Entry Fourteen
- 2018-07-19 Photogrammetry, BRUVs and Cetaceans! Intern Diary, Entry Thirteen
- 2018-07-07 More science and ecotourism! Intern Diary, Entry Twelve
- 2018-07-04 Learning how to use DSLR cameras and the fundamentals of skippering - Intern Diary, Entry Eleven
- 2018-07-02 Meet our new interns - July 2018
- 2018-06-30 Ecotourism trips aboard Dreamcatcher and Slashfin - Intern Diary, Entry Ten
- 2018-06-28 Slashfin Data Collection - Intern Diary, Entry Nine
- 2018-06-25 Slashfin Engine Change - Intern Diary, Entry Eight
- 2018-06-22 Scientific Presentations - Intern Diary, Entry Seven
- 2018-06-13 Shark snorkelling and tagging - Intern Diary, Entry Six
- 2018-06-12 Photography training for scientific research - Intern Diary, Entry Five
- 2018-06-11 BRUV analysis - Intern Diary, Entry Four
- 2018-06-09 Come on BRUV! Intern Diary, Entry Three
- 2018-06-08 Learning 3D Photogrammetry and Dolphin dissection - Intern Diary, Entry Two
- 2018-06-06 Fisherman, or scientist? Intern Diary, Entry One
- 2018-06-04 Meet our very first interns!
Student Researcher [3] ↑
All Pages
- About Marine Dynamics Academy
- Facilities
- Vessels
- Meet the Team
- Aletta Van Bosch
- Alison Towner
- Brenda Walters
- Cari Roets
- Clarence Ngcwembe
- David 'Ed' Edwards
- Dickie Chivell
- Ettiene Roets
- Francois Swart
- Grant Hine
- Hennie Odendal
- Hennie Otto
- Isabelle Teister
- Jan Du Toit
- Jax Bath
- Kelly Baker
- Khwezi Baleni
- Kira Matiwane
- Marie Botha
- Mawethu Phalamahashe
- Mervin Visagie
- Msawenkos Mtoniswa
- Natasha Hamdy
- Oliver Jewell
- Pinkey Ngewu
- Ralph Watson
- Sarah Swart
- Shaun van Tonder
- Susan Visagie
- Tarquin Davids
- Thando Mpini
- Theanette Staal
- Toby Rogers
- Veronique Fredericks
- Vuyisile Mpini
- Wilfred Chivell
- Xolani Lawo
- Zile De Kock
- Species
- African Penguin
- Great white shark
- Students and Alumni
- Aditya Swami
- Alex Collington
- Alina Pryazhkina
- Allison Ruff
- Amy Jeffries
- Amy Webber
- Anna Harrison
- Ashley Postlewhite
- Ben Ryan
- Birna Reynisdottir
- Brandon Farrelly
- Brianna Newcomb
- Brooke Butterfield
- Caitlin Brader
- Camille Ollier
- Caoimhe Hodgins
- Cayla Casucci
- Clisha D'Souza
- Daniel Fildes
- Daniel Rooth
- Danielle Kelly
- Duncan Tolometti
- Elisabeth Steiner
- Emma Butterworth
- Emma Frey
- Emma Phillips
- Ethan Samuels
- Franz Reichel
- Gary Lyon
- George Garrett
- Gray Carlson
- Isabella Jackson
- Isak Nyborg
- Jack Kelly
- Jade Sookhoo
- Josh Coggill
- Joshua Clark
- Julia Pinto
- Karen
- Kathryn Dyball
- Kelly Greener
- Lauren Davies
- Lea Soler-Clavel
- Liberty Denman
- Maik Werner
- Marena Long
- Marie-Laure Veys
- Megan Beazley
- Mia Forbes
- Michael Hession
- Nane Wardenberg
- Natalie-Jane Latham
- Natasha Bamford
- Neve Cooper
- Noy Barel
- Olivia Jackson
- Quinnlan Nordheim
- Rachel Lynch
- Rhys Jenson
- Ryan Grant
- Ryan Shiels
- Sam Cottier
- Sam Woodruff
- Sandra Macko
- Shanell Piedra Knott
- Todd Byrne
- Valerio Tettamanti
- Yaëlle Ador
- Yannick Hill
- Contact
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- Marine-Coastal Guiding
- Application Form
- Blog
- Frequently Asked Questions
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- Scientific Internship
- Application Form
- Blog
- Facilities
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Gallery
- Students and Alumni
- Sam Woodroff
- Team
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- Personal Development
- Terms and conditions