All news about:Great White Shark Lear more about 'Great White Shark' at Marine Dynamics Academy: Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurements Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurementsBy Aditya Swami, Jan 17 Acoustic Tagging 4.5m Great White Shark! Acoustic Tagging 4.5m Great White Shark!By Quinnlan Nordheim, Jun 9 The tagging of an approximate 5m Great White female named Eve The tagging of an approximate 5m Great White female named EveBy Emma Frey, Jun 8 Shark Trips With Interns Shark Trips With InternsBy Jade Sookhoo, May 26
Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurements Jaws: From tooth to total – Determining the size of sharks from small tooth measurementsBy Aditya Swami, Jan 17
Acoustic Tagging 4.5m Great White Shark! Acoustic Tagging 4.5m Great White Shark!By Quinnlan Nordheim, Jun 9
The tagging of an approximate 5m Great White female named Eve The tagging of an approximate 5m Great White female named EveBy Emma Frey, Jun 8