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Benthic sharks
Benthic sharks are shark species that spend their time on the ocean floor. We are fortunte enough to have a number of these animals along the coast of Gansbaai, South Africa and are busy developing a number of research projects focused on their ecology and behavior.
Lear more about 'Benthic sharks' at Marine Dynamics Academy:
Daniel’s BRUV Study yields some interesting results about the small sharks in Gansbaai! Shark Tagging Expedition MDA Research Update – Elasmobranch BRUV Study Interested in Shark Tracking? Tag along! BRUVdate! This months BRUV research, Intern Diary, Entry Eighteen An Introduction to Sharks Big and Small! Intern Diary, Entry Seventeen BRUV Research Trips. Intern Diary, Entry Sixteen ORI Tagging Update – Benthic sharks tagged in July 2018 Shark snorkelling and tagging – Intern Diary, Entry Six